Promotional Materials

Promotional Materials Login
If you've already obtained a Public Performance Site License, you can access this promotional materials area. Log in to create and download posters, bookmarks, activity sheets and event tickets. 

If you have not yet obtained a license for your school, you will need to do so before you can access any promotional materials. To purchase a license for your school, please contact us. If you already have your license but need to request your customer number, please do so by filling out this form.

Enter your customer number below to access promotional materials.

Due to daily system updates, you will be unable to log in between 9:30 PM and 12:00 AM CST Monday through Friday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Note: Please use Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Edge to create and download these publicity assets. If using Chrome, please disable the Chrome PDF Viewer by navigating to Chrome://plugins in your Chrome browser and clicking the disable link to download the PDF.